上へ 谷村吉隆 時枝正明 朴光煕 张延恺 小柳翔輝 星野遼太郎 梁玹碩 旧メンバー


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谷村 吉隆(たにむら よしたか)教授   


J. Phys. Chem. B 125, 11785-12110 (2021) 谷村吉隆還暦記念号 (DeepLをもとにした和訳)


示強性と示量性変数で記述される量子と古典の熱力学(1・2回生向け理論化学IIの講義録から) (MPEG 253M)  (PPT lecture note)

Y. Tanimura “Numerically “exact” approach to open quantum dynamics: The hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM)” (Mpeg 661M)- 物性研 2023.10.7 &12  (PPT lecture note)

京都大学理学研究科  MACSコロキウム「生物化学物理を支配する非平衡量子統計力学」 2021年 - YouTube

Yoshitaka Tanimura “Simulating 2D Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopies: Hierarchical Equation” 2020年 - YouTube

α-STATION エフエム京都(Mpeg3) 2010年

PowerPoint Lecture Notes

bulletLecture note on Learn Schrödinger, Dirac & Feynman formalisms in 90 minutes + Lagrangean (Zip file, Oct 24 2024)
bulletLecture note on reduced hierarchy equations of motion: Theory  (Zip file, Dec 10 24 2024)
bulletLecture note on reduced hierarchy equations of motion: Applications   (Zip file, Dec 12 2023)
bulletLecture note on the theory of multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy  (Zip file, Dec 14 2024)
bulletLecture note on the theory of multidimensional electronic spectroscopy  (Zip file, Sept 10 2023)


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1986〜1989 慶應義塾大学理工学部物理学専攻博士課程
1989〜1991 イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペン校ベックマン研究所博士研究員
1991〜1994 ロチェスター大学化学科博士研究員
1994〜2003 分子科学研究所理論研究系助教授
2003〜         現職
2015〜2018 福井謙一記念研究センター 副センター長
2020〜2022 理学研究科副研究科長



2012  DESY, Augsburg大学
2012  ミュンヘン工科大学
2014 Freiburg大学高等研究所(FRIAS) 上級フェロー
  2019 北京大学
2023 トリノ大学

        平成14年 分子科学研究奨励森野基金
        平成23年 フンボルト賞
        平成25年 矢上賞   
        平成26年 アメリカ物理学会フェロー

        日本物理学会 JPSJ編集委員                1998-2002
        日本物理学会 理事(庶務担当)                2002-2004
        Editorial advisory board member of J. Chem. Phys. 2023-


  1. 凝縮相中分子の動的過程の理論的研究
  2. 非線形分子分光理論の構築




bullet Lecture note on Learn Schrödinger, Dirac & Feynman formalisms in 90 minutes + Lagrangean (Zip file, Oct 24 2024)
bullet Lecture note on reduced hierarchy equations of motion: Theory  (Zip file, Dec. 10 2024)
bullet Lecture note on reduced hierarchy equations of motion: Applications   (Zip file, Dec 12 2024)
bulletLecture note on the theory of multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy  (Zip file, Oct 10 2023)
bulletLecture note on the theory of multidimensional electronic spectroscopy  (Zip file, Oct 10 2023)

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bulletMarkovian2005(Gaussian-Markovian master equation for a spin system coupled to 3D anisotropic baths)
bulletnonMarkovian2009 (with low temperature correction terms,   Jan 12, 2011 version)
bullet nonMarkovian2009+2D (with low temperature correction terms+ subroutines for linear and 2D correlation spectra,  Oct. 3rd, 2012 version)
bulletNonMarkovian2012+2D (Drude+Brownian mode)
bulletTanimuranFP15 (real-time and imaginary-time quantum hierarchal Fokker-Planck equations,   March 21 , 2015 version)
bulletGPU-HEOM  (HEOM code for CUDA) M. Tsuchimoto and Y. Tanimura, J. Chem. Theory Comput.,11, 3859 (2015).
bulletCharge Flow Charge transfer dipole-induced-dipole (CFCT-DID) Polarizability function for water program (Bug fixed)  H. Ito, T. Hasegawa, and Y. Tanimura, Effects of intermolecular charge transfer in liquid water on Raman spectra, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 4147-4151 (2016).
bullet Low-temperature corrected quantum Fokker-Planck and multi-state quantum Fokker-Planck Eqs. T. Ikeda and Y. Tanimura, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 (2019).
bulletThermodynamic Quantum Fokker-Planck Equation (T-QFPE). Ver, 1,1 (Oct. 21, 2024), J. Chem. Phys. 161, 112501 (2024).
bulletHierarchical Equations of Motion for the Multiple Baths (HEOM-MB). Ver. 1.0 (Oct. 17, 2024), J. Chem. Phys. 161, 112501 (2024).

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  1. S. Koyanagi and Y. Tanimura, Classical and quantum thermodynamics described as a system–bath model: The dimensionless minimum work principle, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 234112 (2024).(PDF)
    S. Koyanagi and Y. Tanimura, Classical and quantum thermodynamics in a non-equilibrium regime: Application to thermostatic Stirling engineJ. Chem. Phys. 161, 114113 (2024).(PDF)
    S. Koyanagi and Y. Tanimura, Thermodynamic quantum Fokker–Planck equations and their application to thermostatic Stirling engine,  J. Chem. Phys. 161, 112501 (2024).(PDF)
  2. Y. Tanimura, Perspective: Numerically "Exact" Approach to Open Quantum Dynamics: The Hierarchical Equations of Motion (HEOM), J. Chem. Phys. 153, 020901 (2020). [JCP Top Cited Articles from 2020] the top 1% of the academic field of Chemistry
  3. H. Takahashi and Y. Tanimura, Simulating two-dimensional correlation spectroscopies with third-order infrared and fifth-order infrared-Raman processes of liquid water, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 124108 (2023)  [JCP Editors’ Picks]
  4. S. Koyanagi and Y.  Tanimura, Numerically "exact" simulations of a quantum Carnot cycle: Analysis using thermodynamics work diagrams, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 084110 (2022).
  5. T. Ikeda, Y. Tanimura, and A. Dijkstra, Modeling and analyzing a photo-driven molecular motor system: Ratchet dynamics and non-linear optical spectra, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 114103 [17 pages] (2019) [JCP Editors’ Picks] [2020 JCP Editors’ Choice]
  6. A. Kato and Y. Tanimura, Quantum Heat Current under Non-perturbative and Non-Markovian Conditions: Applications to Heat Machines, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 224105 (2016) [JCP Editors’ Picks]
  7. H. Ito and Y. Tanimura, Simulating two-dimensional infrared-Raman and Raman spectroscopies for intermolecular and intramolecular modes of liquid water, J. Chem. Phys. 144 074201 [16 pages] (2016). [JCP Editors’ Picks]
  8. Y. Tanimura, Real-time and imaginary-time quantum hierarchal Fokker-Planck equations, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 144110 (2015).
  9. Y. Tanimura, Reduced hierarchical equations of motion in real and imaginary time: Correlated initial states and thermodynamic quantities, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 044114 (2014).[2015 JCP Editors’ Choice]
  10. Y. Tanimura, Stochastic Liouville, Langevin, Fokker-Planck, and master equation approaches to quantum dissipative systems, J. Phys. So,c. Jpn. 75, 082001 (2006). [The top 10 JPSJ articles cited in 2015-2021]
  11. Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, "Two-dimensional femtosecond vibrational spectroscopy of liquids," J. Chem. Phys . 99, 9496 (1993).
  12. Y. Tanimura and P. G. Wolynes, "Quantum and classical Fokker-Planck equations for a Gaussian-Markovian noise bath," Phys. Rev.  A43, 4131 (1991).
  13. Y. Tanimura and R. Kubo, "Time evolution of a quantum system in contact with a nearly Gaussian-Markoffian noise bath," J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 101 (1989).[The top 10 JPSJ articles cited in 2016-2021]
  14. 谷村吉隆著、「化学物理入門 ― 経路積分法と非平衡統計力学 ―」、数理科学臨時別冊(2002年)[電子版]



半導体デバイス理論(基礎から最新のシミュレーションまで) Karl Hess 著


計算物理学 J.M.ティッセン著




Bangalore, Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry (DICB-2019), Indian Institute of Science, 2019/ 2/18-19


New Dalhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2019/2/20-21.


Novi Sad, Serbia, International workshop on Excitation Energy Transport in Physical, Chemical, and Biological Systems, University of Nov Sad, Serbia, 2019/7/26-29


Lausanne, Theory of nonlinear electronic and electronic-vibrational spectroscopies, 2019/9/27-10/1


Jeju Island, The 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2019), 2019/11/3-6


Xiamen, Excited-state Electronic Structure and Dynamics Theories of Complex Systems, 2019/12/10-14


Lund, Lund University, seminar (Zoom), 2021/6/4


Structure, Dynamics, Spectroscopy, Hangzhou Dianzi University (Zoom), 2021/6/1-4


Hawaii, Pachifichem, (Zoom) 2021/12/16-21


Lausanne , CECAM workshop on spectroscopy (Zoom) 6/13-17 2022


Stockholm, Nobel symposium, Multidimensional spectroscopy, 2022/8/7-11


UC Berkeley, Invited Seminar, 2023/3/24


Indianapolis, American Chemical Society, Spring meeting, Symposiums 2023/3/26 & 28


Santa Fe, Excited State Processes in Electronic and Bio Nanomaterials  (ESP-2023), 2023,  6/5-8


Les Houches, Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy" Workshop, 2023, 9/3-8


Freiburg, Reducing complexity of nonequilibrium systems, 2023, 9/19-22.



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Tel;  075-753-4018 (秘書)
Fax; 075-753-4018
E-mail; tanimura (化学専攻外の方は @kuchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp をつけてください)

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