Why don't you study
your research instead of attending tons of conferences. (R. Kubo)

Publications List of Professor Ryogo Kubo
- R. Kubo, Statistica1 Theory of Rubberlike
J. Colloid Sci. 2, 527-535 (1947).
- R. Kubo, Statistical Theory of Linear Polymers. I. Intramolecular Statistics,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2,
47-50 (1947).
- R. Kubo, Statistical Theory of Linear Polymers.
II. Elasticity of Vulcanized Rubber,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2,
51-56 (1947).
- R. Kubo, Statistical Theory of Linear Polymers.
III. Double Refraction,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 2,
84-89 (1947).
- R. Kubo, Statistical Theory of Linear Polymers.
IV. Effects of Hinderance for Internal Rotation,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 3,
119-126 (1948).
- R. Kubo, Statistical
Theory of Linear Polymers. V Paraffin-like Chain,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 4,
319-322 (1949).
- R. Kubo, Large Elastic Deformation of Rubber,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 3,
312-317 (1948).
- R. Kubo, Interaction between Electrons and Ions in
Semiconductors. I, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 3, 254-259 (1948).
R. Kubo, Interaction between Electrons and Ions in Semiconductors. II,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 4,
322-325 (1949).
- R. Kubo, Interaction
between Electrons and Ions in Semiconductors. III, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 4, 326-329 (1949).
- R. Kubo,
An Expansion Theorem of the Density Matrix,
J. Chem. Phys. 20,
770-777 (1952).
- R. Kubo,
Thermal Ionization of Trapped Electrons,
Phys. Rev. 86,
929-937 (1952).
- R. Kubo, The Spin-Wave
Theory of Antiferromagnetics,
Phys. Rev. 87,
568-580 (1952)
- R. Kubo, The Spin-Wave
Theory as a Variational Method and Its Application to Antiferromagnetism,
Rev. Mod. Phys.
25, 344-351 (1953).
- R. Kubo and K.
Tomita, A General Theory of Magnetic Resonance Absorption,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 9,
888-919 (1954).
- R. Kubo, Note on the Stochastic Theory of
Resonance Absorption, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
9, 935-944 (1954).
- R. Kubo and Y.
Toyozawa, The Method of Generating Function Applied to Radiative and
Non-Radiative Transitions of a Trapped Electron in a Crystal,
Prog. Theor. Phys. 12,
805-806 (1954).
- R. Kubo and Y. Toyozawa,
Application of the Method of Generating Function to Radiative and Non-Radiative
Transitions of a Trapped Electron in a Crystal,
Prog. Theor. Phys. 13,
160-182 (1955).
- R. Kubo, T. Nagamiya and K. Yoshida,
Antiferromagnetism, Advances in Phys., The Philosophica1 Magazine,
1-112 (1955).
- R. Kubo and Y.
Obata, Note on the Paramagnetic Susceptibility and the Gyromagnetic
Ratio in Metals, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 11, 547-550 (1956).
- R. Kubo,
A General Expression for the Conductivity Tensor,
Can. J. Phys.
34, 1274-1277 (1956).
- R. Kubo, Statistical-Mechanical Theory of Irreversible
Processes. I. General Theory and Simple Applications to Magnetic and
Conduction Problems, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
12, 570-586 (1957).
- R. Kubo, M. Yokota and S. Nakajima,
Statistical-Mechanical Theory of Irreversible Processes II. Response to
Thermal Disturbance,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 12, 1203-1211 (1957).
R. Kubo, Stochastic Theory of Magnetic Resonance,
Nuovo Cimento, 1063-1080 (1957).
- R. Kubo, О
Некоторых Новых Достижениях в Области Магнетных Исследований в Токио
(On Some
New Achievements in the Field of Magnetism Studies in Tokyo),Известия Академии
No8, 1197-1204 (1957).
Science Academy News Physics Series V. 21 No. 8, 1197-1204(1957)
- R. Kubo, H.
Hasegawa and N. Hashitsume, Theory of Galvanomagnetic Effect at High
Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. Lett.
1, 279-281 (1958).
- R. Kubo, H. Hasegawa, and N. Hashitsume,
Theory of Galvanomagnetic Effect. I. Basic Considerations,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 14,
56-74 (1959).
- R. Kubo, Electronic Properties of Metallic Fine
Particles. I., J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 17, 975-986 (1962).
- R. Kubo, Generalized Cumulant Expansion Method,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 17, 1100-1120 (1962).
R. Kubo, Electronic properties of small metallic
particles, Physics Letters, 1, 49-50 (1962).
S. J. Miyake and R. Kubo, Nonlinear Magnetoresistance in Bismuth, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 9, 62-63 (1962)
- R. Kubo,
T. lzuyama,D. J. Kim and Y. Nagaoka, Magnetic Behavior of Band
Electrons, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 17, Supplement B-1, 67-70
- R. Kubo, Stochastic Liouville Equations,
J. Math. Phys. 4,
174-183 (1963).
- E. Fukuda and R. Kubo, Diffusion Constants of
in Liquid Helium II, Prog. Theor. Phys.
29, 621-650 (1963).
- T. Izuyama, D-J. Kim, R. Kubo, Band Theoretical
Interpretation of Neutron Diffraction Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Metals,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 18, 1025-1042 (1963).
T. Izuyama and R.
Kubo, Some Considerations on the Magnetic Carriers in Ferromagnetic
Transition Metals,
J. Appl. Phys. 35, 1074-1081 (1964).
M. Suzuki and R.
Kubo, Theoretica Calculation of N.M.R. Spectral Line Shapes,
Molecular Physics
7, 201-209 (1964).
- R. Kubo, Wigner Representation of Quantum Operators
and Its Applications to Electrons in a Magnetic Field,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 19, 2127-2139 (1964).
S. J. Miyake, N.
Hashitsume and R. Kubo, Quantum Theory of Galvanonlagnetic Effect at
Extremely Strong Magnetic Fields, Solid State Phys. 17,
269-364 (Academic Press, 1965).
- A. Kawabata
an.d R Kubo, Electronic Properties of Fine Metallic Particles. II.
Plasma Resonance Absorption,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 21, 1765-1772 (1966).
R. Kubo, The
fluctuation-dissipation theorem,
Rep. Prog.
Phys. 29, 255-284 (1966).
- M. Suzuki and R. Kubo, Dynamics of the Ising Model near the Critical Point. I,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 24,
51-60 (1968).
- K. Yamaji and R. Kubo, A
Note on the Orbital Diamagnetism of Nearly Free Electrons,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 25,
330-335 (1968).
- R. Kubo, Electrons in
Metallic Small Particles, Comments on Solid State Physics 1,
61-63 (1968).
- R. Kubo and T. lzuyama, Magnons in Metallic
Ferromagnets, Comments on Solid State Physics 1, 168-172
- R. Kubo, Stochastic Theories of Randomly Modulated
Systems, J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 26, Suppl., 1-5 (1969).
- R. Kubo, M. Suzuki and H. lkari, Dynamics of the
Ising Model near the Critical Point, Proc. lnt. Conf. Statistica1
Mechanics, Kyoto, 1968, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Supplement 26,
153-156 (1969).
- H. Fukuyama and R. Kubo, Interband Effect on Magnetic Susceptibility. I. A Simple Two-Band Model,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 27,
604-614 (1969).
- H. Fukuyama and R. Kubo, Interband Effects on Magnetic Susceptibility. II. Diamagnetism of
Bismuth, J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn. 28, 570-581 (1970).
- R.
Kubo and N. Hashitsume, Brownian Motion of Spins,
Prog. Theor. Phys.
Supplement 46, 210-220 (1970).
- N. Ohata and R. Kubo, Electrical Conduction in a
Narrow Band. I. Moment Method,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 28, 1402-1412 (1970).
R. Kubo and M. Ichimura, Kramers-Kronig Relation and
Sum Rules, J.
Math. Phys. 13, 1454-1461 (1972).
- R.
Kubo, K. Matsuo and K. Kitahara, Fluctuation and Relaxation of
J. Stat. Phys.
9, 51-96 (1973).
- R. Kubo and S. Inagaki, Stability of Magnetic
Phases of Electrons in Degenerate Band, lnt. Journal of Magnetism 4, 139-152 (1973).
- Y. Saito and R.
Kubo, Nonlinearity in cooperative systems-dynamical Bethe-Ising model,
J. Stat. Phys.
15, 233-253 (1976).
- R. Kubo, Discreteness of Energy Levels in
Small Metallic Particles,
J. Phys. Colloques
38, C2-69-C2-75 (1977).
- T. Takagawara, E. Hanamura and R. Kubo,
Stochastic Models of
Intermediate State Interaction in Second Order Optical Processes
-Stationary Response. I-,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 43,
802-810 (1977).
- T. Takagawara, E. Hanamura and R. Kubo, Stochastic
Models of Intermediate State Interaction in Second Order Optical
Processes -Stationary Response. II-,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 43,
811-816 (1977).
- T. Takagawara, E. Hanamura and R. Kubo, Stochastic
Models of Intermediate State Interaction in Second Order Optical
Processes -Transient Response-,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 43, 1522-1532 (1977).
- R. Kubo, Opening Address to Oji Seminar on
Non-Linear Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics,
Prog. Theor. Phys.
Supplement 64, 1-11 (1978).
- T. Takagawara, E. Hanamura and R. Kubo,
Order Optical Processes in a Localized Electron-Phonon System
-Stationary Response-,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 44,
728-741 (1978).
- T. Takagawara, E. Hanamura and R. Kubo, Second
Order Optical Processes in a Localized Electron-Phonon System -Transient
Response-, J. Phys.
Soc. Jpn. 44, 742-751 (1978).
- R. S. Hayano, Y. J. Uemura, J. Imazato, N. Nishida,
T. Yamazaki and R. Kubo, Zero-and low-field spin relaxation studied
by positive muons,
Phys. Rev. B29,
850-859 (1979).
- N. Teranishi and R. Kubo,
On Impurity Pinning of One-Dimensional Charge Density Waves,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 47,
720-728 (1979).
- R. Kubo, T. Takagawara and
E. Hanamura, A Stochastic Theory of Second Order Optical Processes,
Solid State
Comm. 32, 1-6 (1979).
- R. Kubo, A stochastic
theory of spin relaxation,
Hyperfine Interactions
8, 731-738 (1981).
- R. Kubo, Fluctuation, Response and Relaxation – The
Linear Response Theory Revisited, Int. J. Quantum Chem., Suppl. 16, 25-32 (1982).
- T. Chikama, K. Saikawa and R. Kubo, Optical
Response of a Randomly Modulated Two-Level Atom,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 53,
991-1000 (1984).
- R. Kubo, Intermediate
state interactions in optical processes,
Pure & Appl.
Chem. 57, 201-213 (1985).
- Y. Tanimura, H. Takano, and R. Kubo, Second order
optical processes of a randomly modulated multi-level atom,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 55, 4550-4565 (1986).
R. Kubo, T. Endo, S. Kamohara, M. Shimizu, M. Fujii and
H. Takano, Long-Time Spin Relaxation in Zero-Field,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 56, 1172- 1177 (1987).
Y. Tanimura and R. Kubo,
Time evolution of a quantum
system in contact with a nearly Gaussian-Markoffian noise bath,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 101-114 (1989).
- Y. Tanimura and R. Kubo, Two-time correlation
functions of a system coupled to a heat bath with a Gaussian-Markoffian
interaction, J.
Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 1199-1206 (1989).
- Y. Tanimura, T. Suzuki and R. Kubo,
Second order
optical process of a three-level system in contact with a nearly
Gaussian-Markoffian noise bath,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 1850-1859 (1989).
Y. Tanimura and R. Kubo, Time-dependent spectrum of
a two-level system coupled to a heat bath driven by pulsed laser,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.
58, 3001-3012 (1989).

Proceedings, Lecture notes and Books
- R. Kubo and K. Tomita, Broadening in Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance Absorption, Proc. Intemationa1 Conference of
Theoretical Physics. Kyoto, 779-790 (1953).
- R. Kubo, Some Aspects of the Statistical
Mechanical Theory of irreversible Processes, Lectures on Theoretical
Physics, eds. E. Brittin and L.G. Dunham, Interscience, 120-203 (1959).
- R. Kubo, A Stochastic Theory of Line-Shape and
Relaxation, in Fluctuation, Relaxation and Resonance in Magnetic
Systems, ed. D. ter Haar, Oliver and Boyd (Edinburgh), 23-68, (1962).
R. Kubo, Some General Consideration on the Hall
Constant, Physics of Semiconductors, Proceedings of the 7th
international Conference, Donod Paris, 357-361 (1964).
- R. Kubo, Orbital Magnetism of Metallic Electrons,
Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism, Nottingham,
35-39 (1964).
- R. Kubo, Linear Response Theory of Irreversible
Processes, in Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium and
Non-Equilibrium, Proc. Int. Symposium, Aachen in 1964, North Holland
Publisher, 81-99 (1965).
- R. Kubo, H. lchimura, T. Usui and N. Hashitsume,
Statistical Mechanics, North Holland Publisher (1965).
- R. Kubo, The Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and
Brownian Motion, 1965 Tokyo Summer Lectures in Theoretical Physics,
edited by R. Kubo (Part 1. Many-Body Theory), Syokabo (Tokyo) and
Benjamin (N.Y.), 1-16, (1966).
- R. Kubo, Some
Topics on the Orbital Magnetism, in Lectures in Theoretical Physics
-1965, A. Univ. of Colorado Press, 239-266 (1966).
R. Kubo and T. Toyabe, A Stochastic Model for Low
Field Resonance and Relaxation, Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation,
Proceedings of XIVth Colloque Ampre, Ljubljana, Sept. 6-1, 1966, North
Holland Publisher, 810-823 (1967).
R. Kubo and T. Toyabe: in Magnetic Resonance and
Relaxation, Proc. 14th Colloque Ampere, ed. R. Blinc (North-Holland,
Amsterdam, 1967).
- R. Kubo, H.
lchimura, T. Usui and N. Hashitsume, Thermodynamics, North Holland
Publisher (1968).
- R. Kubo, A Stochastic
Theory of Line Shape, Stochastic Processes in Chemical Physics, ed.
K. K. Shuler, John Wiley &Sons, Adv. in Chem. Phys. 15, 101-127 (1969).
- R.
Kubo, Electrons in Small Metallic Particles, Polarization
Mattiere et Rayonnement, ed. A. Kastler, Societe Francaise de Physiqe,
325-339 (1969).
- R. Kubo and T. Nagamiya, eds., Solid State Physic,
McGraw Hill, (1969).
- R. Kubo, The Boltzmann Equation in Solid State
Physics, The Boltzmann Equation, Proc. of the Symposium, Sept. 1972,
Vienna, ed. E. G. D. Cohen and W. Thirring, Acta Physica Austriaca
Suppl. X, Springer, 302-340 (1973).
- R. Kubo,
Relaxation and Fluctuation of Macrovariables, Proc. Symp.
Synergetics 1972, Schloss Elmau, eds. H. Harken, and B. G. Teubner,
Sttugart, 28-34 (1973).
- R. Kubo, Some
Comments on the Dynamical Dielectric Constants, Cooperative Phenomena,
eds. H. Haken and M. Wagne, Springer-Verlag, 140-146 (1973).
R. Kubo, Response, Relaxation and Fluctuation, Quantum
Statistical Mechanics in the Natural Science, eds. B. Kursnoglu,S.
L. Mintz and S. Widmayer, Plenum Publishing Co, 299-326 (1974).
R. Kubo, Response, Relaxation and Fluctuation,
Transport Phenomena, Sitges Summer School, ed. Garrido, Springer-Verlag,
74-124 (1974).
- R. Kubo, Non-linear
Relaxation and Fluctuation of Macrovariable, Proceedings of the
international Research Symposium on Statistical Physics with Special
Sessions on Topics Related to Bose Statistics, Calcutta, Jan.8-11, 1974,
27-38 (1974).
- R. Kubo, Non-Linear Relaxation and Fluctuation,
Proc.STAPHYS-13 Haifa, 3-12 (1977).
- R. Kubo,
Statistical Mechanics: A Survey of Its One Hundred Years. Scientia
132-157 (1979).
- R. Kubo, Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem and
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Proc. of the 9th international
Conference of the Properties of Steam,Munchen, Sept.10-14,1979, (1979).

Japanese Articles
- 統計力学における一つの解析的方法、物性論研究 1, 1-13(1943);
R. Kubo, An Analytic Method in Statistical
Mechanics, Busseiron Kenkyu 1, 1-13
(1943) (Translation can be found in Selected Papers of Professor Ryogo
Kubo, 1980, Syokabo);
- 緩和現象について,数物会誌 16, 243-250(1942).
結晶の安定性と融解、数物会誌 17, 63-65 (1943).
鎖歌体の統計力学(I)ゴムの弾性に開する一つの模型的考察,数物会誌 17, 273-279(1943).
ゴムの分子的理論(I),科学 15, 43-48 (1945).
ゴムの分子的理論(II)、科学 16,7-10(1946).
ゴム類似物質の統計力学,物性論研究 5, 38-52 (1947).
散乱媒質中の粒子の拡散,統計数理研究 3, 23-32(1949).
Born-Greenの量子液体の理論に対する批判,物性論研究 18, 64-71(1949).
量子統計力学における密度行列の展開,物性論研究 38, 24-41(1951).
強磁性体の統計理論(小幡行雄,大野鑑子と共著),物性論研究 43, 22-23(1951).
高速荷電粒子による結晶内電子の励起について(高野文彦と共著)、物性論研究 44,
物理統計I 統計力学,統計学辞典(東洋経済新報社,1951).
統計力学(共立出牝 1952)(改訂、1971).
結晶内不純物準位の光学的及び熱的遷移について(豊沢豊と共著)、物性論研究 73, 43-82 (1954).
磁気廻転効果、物性論研究 86, 55-60(1955).
調和振動子の密度行列、物性論研究 86, 61-62(1955).
非平衡系の量子力学I Fluctuation-Dissipation TheoremとCorrelation
Functionの方法,物性論研究 89, 79-98(1955).
非平衡系の量子力学II 熱的なDisturbance に対するResponse(横田万里失と共著)、物性論研究 89, 99-114 (1955).
- 電気抵抗に関する中嶋氏のノートに対する注意
89 , 72-78 (1955).
- 非平衡系の量子力学III - pseudo
potential の方法 - (橋爪夏樹、横田万里失と共著)、物性論研究 91, 32-49 (1955).
強磁場における電気伝導I、物性論研究 91, 50-71 (1955) .
- 電気伝導の理論体系化、科学 27,
58-62 (1957) .
- '固体物理'の話、科学 27, 417-420,
468-473,527-532,577-583,633-637 (1957); 28, 38-43 (1958).
強磁場における電気伝導II - Electron-phonon interaction -
(長谷川洋,橋爪夏樹と共著),物性論研究 (2集) 4, 170-203(1958).
固体電子論の発展,科学30, 498-502(1960).
半金属研究のすすめ,物性研だより2 N0.1, 43-48(1962).
諸科学における特殊方法I物理統計,現代統計学大辞典(東洋経済新報社,1962) pp. 485-503.
Fluctuation-Dissipation Theoremと中性子散乱,中性子の非弾性散乱研究報告 JAERI 1113
金属微粒子中の電子(川畑有郷と共著),物理 23(1968)pp.718-728.
Landau教授を悼む、科学 38, 331-334(1968).
超微粒子の電子状態 - 理論的考察 -,固体物理別冊特集号(1975)12月,超微粒子,pp.5-12.
0nsager教授を悼む,日本物理学会誌 32, 533-534 (1977).
固体電子論と統計力学,日本物理学会誌 32, 793-796 (1977).
統計物理学とアインシュタイン,日本物理学会誌 34, 1032-1039(1979).
統計物理と物性物理、「統計力学の進歩」 1-21 (久保亮五教授還暦記念実行委員会編、裳華房、1980)

M. Suzuki, Ryogo Kubo,
Phys. Today 49, 87 (1996)
T. Yamazaki, Ryogo Kubo and muSR,
Interactions 104, 3-13 (1997)
Kubo in Leiden
