Nonlinear Electronic Spectroscopies (including
2DES and 2DEVS)
Two-and three-level systems, equation of motion
 | Y. Tanimura, H. Takano, and R. Kubo, Second order
optical processes of a randomly modulated multi-level atom,
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 | Y. Tanimura, T. Suzuki and R. Kubo, Second order optical
process of a three-level system in contact with a nearly Gaussian-Markoffian
noise bath, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 1850-1859 (1989).
 | Y. Tanimura and R. Kubo, Time-dependent spectrum of a
two-level system coupled to a heat bath driven by pulsed laser,
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Optical Stark spectroscopy
of Brownian oscillator in intense fields,
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 | G. Gangopadhyay and Y. Tanimura, Absorption line shape
of impurity molecule driven by a fractal noise,
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 | G. Gangopadhyay, S. Ghoshal, and Yoshitaka Tanimura, A
thermal bath induced new resonance in linear and nonlinear spectra of
two-level systems,
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 | A. Ishizaki and Y. Tanimura, Nonperturbative-NonMarkovian Quantum
Master Equation Approach:
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Displaces oscillators model, path integral and
Fokker-Planck approaches
 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Real-time path-integral
approach to quantum coherence and dephasing in nonadiabatic transitions and
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Temperature Dependence and
non-Condon effects in pump-probe spectroscopy in the condensed phase,
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Description of nonlinear
optical response using phase space wavepackets,
J. Phys. Chem. 97,
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Optical Stark
spectroscopy of Brownian oscillator in intense fields, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63,
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Femtosecond pump-probe
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Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Multistate quantum
Fokker-Planck approach to nonadiabatic wave packet dynamics in pump-probe
spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys. 101, 3049-3061 (1994). |
 | K. Okumura, A. Tokmakoff, and Y. Tanimura, Two-dimensional
line shape analysis of photon echo signal,
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 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Quantum Brownian oscillator
analysis of pump-probe spectroscopy in the condensed phase; in Ultrafast
Spectroscopy in Chemical System, edited by J. D. Simon. 327-344 (Kluwer,
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Displaces anharmonic oscillators model, path integral,
Fokker-Planck approaches
 | Y. Tanimura and K. Okumura, First-, third-, and
fifth-order resonant spectroscopy of anharmonic displaced oscillators system
in the condensed phase,
J. Chem. Phys.106, 2078-2095 (1997). |
 | Y. Tanimura and Y. Maruyama, Gaussian-Markovian quantum
Fokker-Planck approach to nonlinear spectroscopy of a displaced Morse
potentials system: dissociation, predissociation and optical Stark effects,
J. Chem. Phys. 107,
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 | Y. Maruyama and Y. Tanimura, Pump-probe spectra and
nuclear dynamics for a dissipative molecular system in a strong laser field:
predissociation dynamics,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 292,
28-34 (1998). |
 | T. Ikeda and Y Tanimura, Phase-space wavepacket
dynamics of internal conversion via conical intersection: Multi-state quantum
Fokker-Planck equation approach, Chem. Phys.
515, 203-213 (2018), (Supporting Information & movies
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Fokker-Planck and Smoluchowski Equations and Their Extension to Multistate
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Chem. Theory Comput. 15 (2019). (Error correction)  | T.
Ikeda, Y. Tanimura, and A. Dijkstra, Modeling and analyzing a photo-driven molecular motor
system: Ratchet
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[17 pages]
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Exciton system
 | KIM, H.-D., Y. Tanimura, and M. Cho, Ultrafast Exciton-Exciton Coherence Transfer in Molecular Aggregates and its Application to Light Harvesting Systems
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127, 075101 (2007). |
 | KIM, H.-D., Y. Tanimura, and M. Cho, Ultrafast exciton dynamics in
DNA and its nonlinear optical spectroscopy,
J. Chem. Phys.
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