Chemical Reactions (Including Electron
and exciton transfer processes)
Tunneling Process in dissipative environments,
Fokker-Planck equation Approach
 | Y. Tanimura and P. G. Wolynes, Quantum and classical
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 | Y. Tanimura and P. G. Wolynes,
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A.Ishizaki and Y. Tanimura, Multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy
for tunneling processes in a dissipative environment,
J. Chem. Phys.
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Displaces Harmonic Oscillators Model, Fokker-Planck
equation Approach
 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Multistate quantum
Fokker-Planck approach to nonadiabatic wave packet dynamics in pump-probe
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 | Y. Tanimura and Y. Maruyama, Gaussian-Markovian quantum
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 | Y. Maruyama and Y. Tanimura, Pump-probe spectra and
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 | T. Ikeda and Y. Tanimura, Probing photoisomerization
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 | T. Ikeda and Y Tanimura, Phase-space wavepacket
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 | T. Ikeda and Y. Tanimura, Low-Temperature Quantum
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Displaces Harmonic Oscillators Model (Electron
Transfer system), Path integrals
 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Real-time path-integral
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nonlinear optical response,
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 | Y. Tanimura and K. Okumura, First-, third-, and
fifth-order resonant spectroscopy of anharmonic displaced oscillators system
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Displaces Harmonic Oscillators Model (Electron
Transfer system), Hierarchy Equation approach
 | Y. Tanimura and S. Mukamel, Optical Stark spectroscopy
of Brownian oscillator in intense fields,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63,
66-77 (1994). |
 | M. Tanaka and Y. Tanimura, Quantum Dissipative Dynamics
of Electron Transfer Reaction System: Nonperturbative Hierarchy Equation
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 | M. Tanaka and Y. Tanimura, Quantum Dissipative Dynamics
of Electron Transfer Reaction System: Nonperturbative Hierarchy Equation
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M. Tanaka and Y. Tanimura, Multistate Electron
Transfer Dynamics in the Condensed Phase: Exact Calculations from the
Reduced Hierarchy Equations of Motion Approach,
J. Chem. Phys. 132,
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 | Y. Tanimura,
Reduced hierarchy equations of motion approach with Drude plus Brownian
spectral distribution: Probing electron transfer processes by means of
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[Open Access] |
Exciton and electron transfers
Readfield equation Approach
Energy Landscapes Approach
