Y. Tanimura M. Tokieda K. Park Y. Zhang S. Koyanagi R. Hoshino H. Yang

Masaaki Tokieda, JSPS posdoc

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March 2021: Ph.D. Physics, Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Japan

Thesis: Studies of open quantum systems with applications to dissipative barrier transmission in heavy-ion fusion reactions

Supervisor: Kouichi Hagino

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April 2017 – March 2021: Research Assistant, Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe (GP-PU), Tohoku University, Japan

April 2018 – March 2021: Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tohoku University, Japan

April 2021 – May 2021: Academic Fellow, Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Japan

June 2021 – March 2023: Post-doctoral researcher, Inria (MATHERIALS and QUANTIC), France

April 2023 – present: Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kyoto University, Japan


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Asian Nuclear Physics Association (ANPhA) & AAPPS-DNP Award for Young Scientist at SNP School 2017, Dec. 2017

Tohoku University GPPU, Excellent Student Award, Mar. 2021

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Google Scholar

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  • Tel;       +81-75-753-4018
    Fax;      +81-75-753-4018

    Email: tokieda.masaaki.73r@st.kyoto-u.ac.jp


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