上へ Y. Tanimura M. Tokieda K. Park Y. Zhang S. Koyanagi R. Hoshino H. Yang

PARK, Kwanghee D4

Switch to Japanese

  • Mar. 2019,  B.Sc., Department of Chemistry,  Hiroshima University

    April 2019-   Master, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

    April 2021-    Ph.D Student, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University


    horizontal rule


    horizontal rule

    Room 6-155

    Tel;       +81-75-753-4022
    Fax;      +81-75-753-4018
    E-mail;  kwanghee (please add @qchem.kuchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp if you send email from the outside of department)
